Author Archive | Histonaut


How consumerism changed the American society since 19th century

The appearance of consumerism is related with the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th-early 19th century when, thanks to increasing use of steam power and invention of machine-tools, considerably grew the production of goods having similar purposes but different designs. People could now choose between competing products and needed additional information about their properties. At […]


What did Hitler and Stalin have in common?

Hitler and Stalin were the bloodiest dictators in the world that’s why they had a lot in common.  The main obsession for both of them was unlimited political power and no moral restrains could stop them on their way to the summit. In spite of ideological incompatibility of Hitler’s National Socialism and Stalin’s Communism the […]


Why did WW1 happen after a century of peace ?

During a century of peace the contradictions between European countries accumulated and erupted in a murderous international conflict. The main factors which triggered the war were militant nationalism and the disruption of the balance of power. The 19th century witnessed a number of armed conflicts which left deep scars in international relations. For instance, the […]


How Hitler became Chancellor of Germany

On his way to the political Olympus, Hitler easily won support of the dispirited nation because he offered a very simple excuse to the German defeat in WW I and promised to drop the humiliating conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. His fanatical Nationalism in combination with pathological Anti-Communism and anti-Semitism looked attractive for depressed […]

How Lenin came to Power

How did Lenin come to power

Vladimir Ulyanov, alias Lenin born in 1870 in Simbirsk on the Volga was the most radical opponent of the Russian monarchy. His father was the director of primary schools of the entire province and his mother was from a doctor’s family. Vladimir’s political carrier was influenced by the execution of his older brother Alexander who […]


The Fall of the Roman Empire

When did the Roman Empire fall? To answer this question correctly we should precise first which Roman Empire is meant the Western or the Eastern, because after the death of Emperor Theodosius I in 395 AD the two parts of the once mightiest state of the Antiquity existed independently. The 4 September 476 AD is […]


Was The Protestant Reformation Successful?

The Protestant Reformation can be considered as successful because it led to creation of new independent national Christian churches which became predominant in a number of European countries and later in their colonies. The reformation movement was a protest against omnipresent power and abusive richness of Roman Catholic Church and its pope.  Complicated rituals and […]


Major Factors of State formation

Continuous competition and striving for better conditions for further development and growth on the one hand and the necessity to protect and defend available territory and level of well-being on the other were the main factors of state formation in the early modern period. Endless fight for land and power between feudal lords led to […]

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